Part 4: Put the Plan in Place
Now that you have a firm grasp of what goes into creating The Hospitality Mentality, you can now begin to infuse its elements into your organizational strategy by aligning your current circumstance with these proven practices. By reading the book, you likely fall into one of four categories:
Your service culture is broken and you see an urgent need to fix it
Your service culture is good, but there is notable room for improvement
Your service culture is flourishing and you want to amplify your existing success
You are in the process of building your service culture in anticipation of a grand opening and want to get it right from the start
The bullet point that suits you best will dictate how you put the principles of the book in place to either fix, enhance, turbocharge, and/or create the service culture within your organization, as well as your own individual way of serving guests, team members, and those around you. Because your circumstance is unique to you, the plan outlined in this section is intended to provide a wide lens of implementation. You can then take this plan and adapt it into the framework of your business in the best way that you see fit.
When looking at where to start, we need to pull back and take a wide-lens view of everything that we’ve discussed. Then, we can zoom in a little to determine how this impacts your overarching goals, and after that, narrow in on the specific details that go into making The Hospitality Mentality successful within your organization. Through this process, we will look at this in the order of philosophy, strategy, and tactics. Philosophy guides the strategy, strategy dictates the tactics, and the tactics are the make-or-break moments of truth. Philosophy is broad, whereas strategy is targeted, and tactics are the granular elements that your entire team must weave into their practices.
This bonus section will cover the following:
Chapter 13 – The Philosophy of The Hospitality Mentality: the core message that must resonate across the organization and guide the entire service culture
Chapter 14 – The Strategy of The Hospitality Mentality: the building blocks of the philosophy that allow you to put concrete practices in place
Chapter 15 – Tactics of The Hospitality Mentality: the small, granular details that the guest sees and feels that tells them the strength of your service culture
Chapter 16 – Measuring Progress of The Hospitality Mentality: benchmarking objectives as you put the principles from the book into practice

Chapter 13: The Philosophy of the Hospitality Mentality
Chapter 13: The Philosophy of the Hospitality Mentality

Chapter 14: The Strategy of The Hospitality Mentality
Chapter 14: The Strategy of The Hospitality Mentality

Chapter 15: Tactics of The Hospitality Mentality
Chapter 15: The Tactics of The Hospitality Mentality

Chapter 16: Measuring Progress of The Hospitality Mentality
Chapter 16: Measuring Progress of The Hospitality Mentality